Sunday July 31st 2016

Text:  Jonah 4:1-11

Sermon Title: “We are Jonah”

Theme Jonah was a reluctant prophet who was given a mission he found distasteful. He chose to run away from God rather than obey. Like Jonah, we may have to do things in life that we don’t want to do. Sometimes we find ourselves wanting to turn and run. Often, in spite of our defiance, God in his mercy will give us another chance to serve when we return to the Lord.

Questions to Think About as You Read:

1) Can you think of a time when you knew deep down you had to do something you knew God wanted you to do but deep down you didn’t’ want to do it?

2) What was your response?

3) What things tempt us and make it so easy to turn and run from God?


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